Shopping Guide
Shenzhen Jia Mei Da Leather Industry Co., Ltd. / 2011-03-18

How to order from jmd-leatherbag. the following are step-by-step ORDER INSTRUCTIONS:
1, Register for free

2, Login (keep your Cookies enabled in your browser)

3, Happily Search your favorite products. If you find them, just fill in needed quantities in the quantity box and click "ADD TO CART". Feel free to adjust the quantities or simply remove them later if you change your mind (change quantities in quantity box or just click the box behind "Update Cart" to remove item).

4, You can click "Back to Shopping" to look for more items, or click "Estimate Shipping" to calculate your shipping cost according to items weight. No doubt that you can adjust quantities or remove items in your shopping cart, please remember to click "Update Cart" after each change to refresh the sub-total.
Products added to your shopping cart are freely and safely saved there while you are looking for more items, even when you just log out or accidentally close your brower.

5, Confirm your sub-total and click "Go to Checkout".

6, Check your "Shipping Information". Feel free to click "Change Address" to enter new billing address here.

7, Just choose the most convenient "Shipping Method" for you and add special instructions about your delivery in "Special Instructions or Comments About Your Order" e.g. the colors of your items. Then click "CONTINUE CHECKOUT".

8, Check your "Payment Information". Click "Change Address" to enter new billing address if dropshipping. Checkout "Your Total". If you have discount coupon, please enter your coupon code.

9, Choose a payment method between Paypal and Bank Transfer. Then click "CONTINUE CHECKOUT".

10, Please carefully check Billing/Payment Information, Delivery/Shipping Information, Shipping Method, Special Instructions or Order Comments, Shopping Cart Contents. You can also "EDIT" them, and your order is not submitted until you click "CONFIRM THE ORDER".

11, Pay by Paypal online or pay via Bank Transfer in the local HSBC bank. Then we will take care of the rest.

12, We will begin processing your order and send an email notification to you after payment receipt. Another email will be sent to tell you the date and time when the goods are sent out and the courier tracking number. Feel free to send us an email to inquire about your order and we are glad to be of your assistance.

Orders are shipped by courier directly to any address worldwide. Dropshipping is available on all orders.
Payment for orders is in full, in advance, by Paypal (allows credit cards) or Bank Transfer.

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